Chapter 472.1: Just Missing You a Little - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 472.1: Just Missing You a Little - Part 1

Although Yang Furen was the Mountain Lord of Sword Qi Mountain, he did not have absolute authority even over the entire mountain, let alone dare to openly refuse the Great Liang Emperor. As the representative of the Great Liang Emperor, Li Heng might seem amiable, but every word he said carried a veiled threat.

Nothing in his words suggested a willingness to negotiate sincerely.

Yang Furen had dealt with many foreign cultivators, but never had he encountered someone so direct.

Just as Yang Furen was about to speak, a disciple from the mountain approached from a distance. Li Heng smiled and stood up, saying, "Mountain Lord has many matters to attend to, no need to accompany me."

Yang Furen smiled apologetically, then reluctantly stepped out of the bamboo building and called the disciple over, asking, "What is it?"

The disciple whispered a few words in Yang Furen's ear with a somewhat awkward expression, "Mountain Lord, it seems they all know about what happened on the mountain."

Yang Furen gave a helpless smile. There was no need to say much about this matter. Li Heng's visit to the mountain was anything but secretive. He came up the mountain with great fanfare, clearly not caring whether the foreign cultivators knew of his arrival.

This way of doing things was exactly in line with that of the Great Liang Emperor, which explained why he was the most trusted eunuch of the Emperor.

Yang Furen sighed, "I'll go right away."

However, just as Yang Furen had walked a short distance, he heard someone speaking behind him. When he turned around, Li Heng was already standing not far away, smiling and saying, "May I meet the Mountain Lord's guest?"

Yang Furen gave a wry smile and asked, "Was this also within your expectations, sir?"‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏

Li Heng smiled without saying a word.

Yang Furen quickly shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I cannot agree to that, sir."

Li Heng replied softly, "Then Mountain Lord's situation might not be very favorable. They aren't known for being reasonable."

"Sir, you yourself ar

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