Chapter 471: Leeway
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 471: Leeway

As more and more thin snakes appeared, the old man's expression naturally grew more serious. Even beads of sweat occasionally dripped from his forehead. Chen Chao stood nearby, understanding that this moment was crucial for reforging the broken sword. He too held his breath, watching intently, yet he did not make a sound.

The old man's fingers continued to deftly sift through the molten metal, picking out the thin snakes and tossing them onto the ground. Chen Chao could not help but glance over and noticed that the snakes falling to the ground seemed to still be alive, squirming incessantly.

Chen Chao crouched down and observed closely.

The old man ignored him, his entire focus remained on the snakes before him. As a swordsmith, he was adept with forging flying swords, but reforging a broken saber was a first for him. Despite the shared origins among myriad sects, the intricacies and differences were countless and complex. Many aspects had to be navigated based on experience, requiring countless on-the-spot judgments throughout the process.

Chen Chao reached his hand out to touch one of the snakes. But the instant he touched it, he had to withdraw his finger. That was because the snake's temperature was much higher than that in the furnace earlier.

"These unwanted things might still be enough to make a short sword later. Are you interested, kid?"

The old man seemed to have finally sorted out the thin snakes in front of him and spoke slowly, "Although it can't be considered a flying sword, its toughness will be top-notch in the world. It will be suitable for cutting fruits and such."

Chen Chao nodded, "Then I'll trouble you, Senior."

The old man sighed, "I really didn't know it would be this troublesome beforehand. Now it seems that even if this saber is forged, it'll cost me half my life."

Chen Chao grinned, "Only Senior has this ability in this entire world, right?"

The old man chuckled, "Your words aren't entirely wrong. If this old man were to pass away, there's probably no one capable of repairing thi

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