Chapter 470: Thin Snakes
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 470: Thin Snakes

The deer antlers were originally intended for Wen Hu to forge a flying sword, but now that Chen Chao had a falling out with him, Wen Hu probably would not accept them even if offered. Given the situation, Chen Chao decided to keep them for his own use.

Chen Chao calmed his mind, took out the snow-white deer antlers, and handed them to the old man. The old man glanced at them and casually tossed them aside before focusing his attention on the small furnace. The furnace had been burning for many days, and although the broken saber inside was glowing red, it had not melted. After examining it closely, the old man reached out and lifted a section of the broken saber. The high temperature of the saber caused a sizzling sound when it touched the old man's palm, but his expression remained unchanged. But after scrutinizing it, he threw the broken segment back into the furnace.

Chen Chao looked at the old man's palm but did not see any burn marks on his hand.

The old man took a small flask from his waist, took a sip, and then said quietly to himself, "After forging swords for so many years, how could I not have a few tricks up my sleeve?"

The old man glanced at Chen Chao and sighed, "Things are much more complicated than I initially thought. I originally estimated a 50% success rate, but now it looks like it's down to only 30%."

Chen Chao was taken aback and wanted to say something, but the old man continued, "If it doesn't work out, this old man will personally use the remaining piece of Thousand Year Glacial Stone to re-forge a saber for you."

The old man lamented, "I was initially hoping to save it to forge a flying sword, but now it looks like I'll most likely have to use it on you again. In the end, I gained nothing from this. Just talking about it is heartbreaking."

Chen Chao smiled and said, "It might not come to that. We haven't even started yet, so why is Senior so pessimistic?"

"Don't try to provoke me with words. Your saber is no ordinary weapon. I can only say that I'll do my best. But considering your

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