Chapter 469: Suitable or Not
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 469: Suitable or Not

On the mountain path, the three individuals capable of determining the fate of the world remained outside the daoist temple, but the daoists within the Infatuation Daoist Temple were already extremely tense. The auras outside the temple had yet to dissipate, and even those cultivators who were previously unaware of the current situation could now sense that the situation was not simple.

Yun Jianyue stood not far from the temple entrance, while a group of young cultivators followed behind him. Seniors with different cultivation realms and seniority were standing all over the mountain. Whether they had been in closed-seclusion or not, all were now paying close attention to the situation outside the temple.

"Senior Brother Yun, who exactly has arrived? That was demonic qi just now, right?"

A disciple finally could not hold back and asked softly. The Temple Master had already gone outside, and the seniors in the temple were unlikely to attend to them at this moment. Therefore, Yun Jianyue was the only one who might know some things.

Yun Jianyue had been deep in thought, and this question from a junior brother broke his train of thought. He shook his head and said slowly, "Considering how cautious the Temple Master is and the fact that so many seniors in the temple are on high alert, who else could it be but the Demon Emperor?"

Demon Emperor.

These two words carried an immense weight, and as soon as Yun Jianyue uttered them, the young cultivators behind him held their breath, their expressions growing much more solemn. It might be difficult to determine the strongest among the human race, but there was almost no doubt about who was the strongest in the demon race.

That ruler of myriad demons in the North, who was even regarded as invincible by most people.

Now that he appeared outside the Infatuation Daoist Temple, what did this mean? And what could the Infatuation Daoist Temple possibly do in response?

Yun Jianyue glanced at his fellow disciples and shook his head, speaking softly, "Don't overthink it. With th

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