Chapter 468: Preparations Before Reforging the Saber
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 468: Preparations Before Reforging the Saber

There was silence.

No one responded to Chen Chao's question, but no one left either.

Regardless of their grievances with Chen Chao, the piece of Thousand Year Glacial Stone was a once-in-a-lifetime treasure for them. If they missed out today, they might never have another chance to obtain it.

Hence, the atmosphere suddenly became very awkward.

Chen Chao glanced at Yang Furen, who silently turned his head away. Although Yang Furen's grand martial uncle had previously expressed the intention to reopen the forge and create a new sword, intentions aside, the glacial stone indeed belonged to Great Liang. Now, how it should be distributed was up to Chen Chao, and there was nothing to fault in that.

Yang Furen was not too concerned about who would ultimately get the piece of Thousand Year Glacial Stone. As long as it remained within Sword Qi Mountain, he would benefit from it.

As for Chen Chao's evident desire to regain his standing from several days ago, Yang Furen was pleased to see it. As Li Heng had wisely put it earlier, if the mountain lord's words carried no weight, what was the point? After so many years of chaos, Yang Furen also wanted to set things right in Sword Qi Mountain.

Suffering some losses and losing face a few times were necessary for these people to understand that there are always people better than them.

Chen Chao looked at Wen Hu and asked with a smile, "Senior Wen, if this junior uses this piece of Thousand Year Glacial Stone to request you to reforge my saber, would Senior help me?"

Wen Hu was that swordsmith who had previously clashed with Chen Chao at the foot of the mountain. At present, he had not left yet. As he looked at Chen Chao, his expression softened, but he did not speak immediately.

After a long pause, he slowly said, "Are you really going to use this Thousand Year Glacial Stone to ask this old man for help?"

Chen Chao smiled broadly, "It's just business. This is the start of negotiations. What do you think, Senior?"

Wen Hu thought for a moment and then said softly, "This

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