Chapter 467: Don't Give Any Chance and Don't Meet Again in the Future
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 467: Don't Give Any Chance and Don't Meet Again in the Future

As the chief eunuch of the imperial city, Li Heng was rarely perceived as arrogant in the Divine Capital, even though he had been by the side of the Great Liang Emperor since the days when he was still a vassal prince. Whoever saw this eunuch would always see a smile in his eyes. He never looked down on anyone just because he was a favorite by the Great Liang Emperor's side. While many respected him, they did not take him in high regard. However, in reality, the fact that he could walk out of the Prince's Manor and arrive in the Divine Capital directly as the chief eunuch without any dormancy or waiting period was enough to demonstrate the Great Liang Emperor's trust in him.

For over a decade, there had been no scandals within the Imperial City, it was just calm and quiet. Apart from the Empress managing the harem, in truth, those who were perceptive knew that none of this could have been maintained without Li Heng.

Managing the harem did not mean one could control everything just because they were favored by the Emperor. Li Heng possessed the same iron-fisted tactics and cunning as anyone else, but the harem required these qualities while the world did not, and neither did the Emperor. Hence, Li Heng always presented himself as mild-mannered.

Now, leaving the Divine Capital, word spread among the foreign cultivators that he was carrying a Thousand Year Glacial Stone. Hence, they flocked over, hoping to seize that Thousand Year Glacial Stone from the hands of this chief eunuch. If it were truly that simple, or if Li Heng were just an ordinary eunuch, the Great Liang Emperor would probably not have sent him on this journey personally.

Looking at the cultivators in front of him, after saying those words, Li Heng did not speak again. Instead, a surge of qi emanated from his robes, causing all the cultivators present to furrow their brows in unison.

The qi was too overwhelmingly powerful and terrifying, making them lose all will to resist.

The leading cultivator's face turned grim as he was about to speak, but Li

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