Chapter 466: What?
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 466: What?

A horse carriage departed from the Divine Capital, seemingly ordinary and merely constructed out of ordinary wood. However, a heavy yellow cloth curtain hung in front of the carriage, thick enough that even on windy days during the journey south, it never fluttered to reveal the true face of the occupant inside the carriage.

The coachman looked equally unremarkable, dressed in coarse cloth attire and bearing a face as ordinary as could be. The silent man only seemed to know how to drive and did not speak. Over the half-month journey from the Divine Capital southward, he did not utter a single word. At meal stops, he naturally halted the carriage, fetched food from his belongings, and quietly ate alone beside the carriage. As for the interior, he never seemed to concern himself with it, leaving one to wonder if anyone was actually inside.

One day, half a month later, the carriage veered off the main road onto a small trail. By traveling through here, it could save half a day's travel time by crossing the border into Yellow Dragon Prefecture earlier. However, this small trail, coupled with its uneven surface, made the journey even bumpier. Despite the bumpy ride, no sounds emanated from the carriage throughout the journey, maintaining an eerie silence.

All the way until the carriage crossed a wooden bridge over a small river, where locals began to gather along both sides of the path. Many paused in their tracks to look at the carriage. The coachman remained silent and just swung his whip to slow the carriage. But as the horse carriage approached these civilians, an elderly farmer who looked like he was past sixty years old suddenly dropped his hoe and charged straight towards the carriage.

The coachman's expression remained impassive as he swung his whip. It directly struck the farmer solidly across his body with a sharp crack. The farmer's body split in two and fell from both sides of the carriage. Simultaneously, the other civilians who were originally still watching suddenly made a move, rather than scatter.

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Translator Notes

[1. This wordplay doesn't translate well, tried my best.]