Chapter 472.2: Just Missing You a Little - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 472.2: Just Missing You a Little - Part 2

After saying this, Ouyang Ni also descended the mountain.

Watching his retreating figure, the dark clouds in Yang Furen’s heart grew heavier.

After making a trip to the guest hall, Yang Furen returned to the bamboo house.

At this moment, a breeze happened to stir, causing the bamboo house to produce continuous sounds, as if someone were playing the zither, making one feel extraordinarily comfortable upon hearing it.

This also improved Yang Furen's mood considerably.

Li Heng stood under the eaves, looking at this Mountain Lord of Sword Qi Mountain, who had hurried back in less than an hour. He said calmly, "If Mountain Lord wants to scold someone, you can go ahead now. Don't worry about anything, I'll assume you're cursing me, not anyone else."

Yang Furen looked at him and asked bitterly, "Is this also one of your tactics?"

Li Heng shook his head. "His Majesty never resorts to such things, what he says is what it is. The so-called scheming of a monarch is already exhausting enough when used on officials; how could they possibly be used on Mountain Lord?"

Yang Furen said, "Then it's an open scheme."

Li Heng did not argue and repeated once more, "I still want to say to Mountain Lord again, there's one thing I hope I never have to tell you."



Because of Li Heng's departure from the palace, a handsome young eunuch now served the Great Liang Emperor. Li Heng had been castrated as a youth and was gifted by Emperor Lingzong to the current emperor as an attendant. He had never been involved in any romantic or sexual relationships. Despite the common practice in the palace of eunuchs and palace maids forming pairs, Li Heng had never participated in such affairs. However, several years ago, Li Heng, this chief eunuch, took in a young disciple who was also another unfortunate child.

This boy had been deceived and paid a significant amount of money, being told that after castration, he would be sent to the palace. Hence, that child's own father took up a pair of scissors and castrated the boy himself. After fi

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