Chapter 473: Black and White
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 473: Black and White

Since Chen Chao who was guarding outside the door of the thatched cottage could not sleep, he busied himself with something. First, he silently circulated the white mist within his body for several cycles, dispelling all of his exhaustion. Only then did Chen Chao begin to ponder over what he had gained from this trip up the mountain.

Although he was reforging his saber, just the journey up the Sword Qi Mountain was highly rewarding. Not to mention whether his cultivation realm had increased, just the perception of sword qi and sword intent this time was transformative. While he still could not match those pure sword cultivators, Chen Chao would not need to passively take a beating the next time he encountered them.

As for listening to the bamboo in the bamboo sea, it gave Chen Chao a deeper understanding of the worldly qi. Each bamboo in the bamboo sea had a different sound, similar to how each cultivator's qi was unique, even if they practiced the same technique. It was something unique to each cultivator. Now, Chen Chao could slowly unravel and perceive it. Although it might not seem like something extraordinary now, as his cultivation realm grew deeper in the future, Chen Chao could foresee how these gains would greatly benefit him.

Perhaps after arduous research, he might even break the notion that martial artists could not cultivate. Of course, Chen Chao was well aware that just because he had this ability did not mean all martial artists across the world did. At least, in other words, these abilities were probably largely due to the cultivation method he had been training in, which he still did not know the name of.

Thinking about this, Chen Chao felt a bit emotional. His past experiences could not be clearly described, but it was a case of blessing coming to him in the disguise of misfortune. Such was the nature of life, many things were unpredictable. What initially seemed like a bad situation turned out to be something he could not bring himself to resent after going through it.

Coming back to his sen

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