Chapter 93: Charlemagne
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 93: Charlemagne

【I refuse to concede defeat!】

System 12345 was on the verge of fainting.

I am a Galge System, not a War System!

If other Romance Systems find out that my host has eliminated all of the capture targets, not only will I be unable to graduate, but I’ll become a laughingstock for the rest of my Systemhood!

What? Why don’t I change my course of study?

Absolutely not, I am a Galge System! It’s absolutely not because only the top three scorers have the right to change their course of study!

【Erk. Let me think what else can I do.】

System 12345 pondered hard on the issue. He turned his eyes to the final portrait.

It depicted a tall and beautiful woman wearing a crown, holding a scepter and a golden sphere. She emanated a regal air.

【Should we just go after the final boss?】

【My host seems to be fond of fighting wars. Maybe he’ll give up on fighting and focus on dating if I give him an impossible opponent.】

【All right, let’s do it then!】

【My host, this is the final boss—Reincarnated Emperor Charlemagne.】

【She’s the reincarnation of Emperor Charlemagne, the man who united the Western Central Europe. She aspires to unite the world and becomes its sole ruler.】

【Sounds cliche, I know, but that’s the setting. The plot doesn’t matter in dating sims as long as the capture targets can be simped over.】

System 12345 started explaining the situation to Shu Yichao.

【Charlemagne has a holy artifact that allows her to control minds to some extent, and she uses it together with some drugs to build a ferocious army that will fight to their dying breath. On top of that, her strength is on the level of a demigod.】

【That’s why, my host, I advise you to focus on conquering the capture targets instead.】

System 12345 revealed a gleeful smirk.

【You were supposed to lead the femme fatales and tap into their strengths, such as economy, politics, or religion, to conquer the final boss, but now… Tsk tsk, that isn’t possible anymore.】

【That’s why, my host, why don’t we conquer the final femme fatale villain together?】

【She’s much taller than you, so w

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