Chapter 93: Kill Me
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 93: Kill Me

In the red graffiti, Xia Yang sat on the couch and looked back. In real life, Gao Ming stood beside the couch, facing the graffiti.

They looked at each other. The flowing red and twisted dark separated them. Xia Yang appeared to have become a part of the painting. He smiled like usual as his eyes moved from Gao Ming to his hands. The hands were drenched in blood. Each finger was the blood of a victim. Xia Yang closed his eyes and sucked on his fingers like he was remembering the flavour. He was inspired and turned to head upstairs.

“How did he do this?” Gao Ming knew that Dead Water obtained a special death portrait, but he had not seen it before. Gao Ming studied graffiti and noticed that it had some differences from real life. In the painting, the wall where the graffiti was painted in real life had some blurry paintings on it. Gao Ming wanted to take a closer look. The paintings became blurrier. He kept approaching like he was drawn to them. When he reacted, his surroundings were red. He was trapped inside the graffiti. He looked around and the living room was gone.

“There’s no presence of the shadow. Is this graffiti like my torture room, a space isolated from the real world and the shadow world?”

As this thought appeared in his mind, a drop of red paint fell on Gao Ming’s face. His skin slowly turned red.

“Xia Yang just went upstairs.”
They had worked together for years, but Gao Ming only got to know the real Xia Yang at that moment. No one could see Xia Yang’s real heart. He treated everyone kindly because he looked down on everyone equally. He was never angry because, in his heart, humans were beneath him. Why would the garden owner be mad at his plants?

Gao Ming walked to the couch. He stepped on the red floor and studied the paintings hanging there. In the red living room, the three paintings stood out. They had different colours. It was like… the coloured Gao Ming in his own death portrait.

The first painting was of a handsome man and a pretty woman. They had the pretty bodies. However, they were mi

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