Chapter 94: Art
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 94: Art

“I won’t have the chance to kill you?”

Gao Ming felt that Xia Yang was not stable. He looked sunny on the surface, but there was a part of his heart that even the sun couldn’t reach. No one could guess his thoughts.

“The concept of fate is ridiculous to me. I am never hung up about the past, and I don’t trust in the future. I only care about the present.” Red paint dripped down from Xia Yang along with his skin. He was like a piece of melting ice. “Much evidence proves that you can see the future. You could have easily killed me on a different timeline. There’s no chance of me winning.”
“So, what is your plan?” Gao Ming was highly alerted. If one knew that one was about to be killed, one would try to escape or resist, but Xia Yang did neither.

“I want to create a future you haven’t seen. You can’t kill me, and you can’t escape from me. I will make you the new me.” Xia Yang’s sunny smile was chilling. Half of his skin was gone.

“A psychiatrist’s worst patient is one without self-awareness. They do not want to admit that they’re sick and try to convince the people around them that they are the ones who are sick.” Gao Ming had seen patients like him before.

“Crazy people talk nonsense, but I don’t.” Xia Yang melted faster. Even his bones turned into red paint. It joined him with the whole red room. “I will turn my dream into reality. You can’t kill me, but I’ll always look at you, slowly changing you until I can be reborn in your body.”

Xia Yang fully dissolved. His body melted into the red of the room. In the red room, the self-portrait turned colourful. Xia Yang, in the painting, looked so alive.

“I really hate using my brain.” Gao Ming’s hands dropped down. He was ready for a fight, but Xia Yang knew he couldn’t win Gao Ming in a head-on fight.

Gao Ming stood before the self-portrait. He was attracted by Xia Yang’s face. Xia Yang’s lips appeared to move. Gao Ming wanted to listen closer, but he was pulled into the painting. The painting in real life featured the living room and the second floor. The self-por

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