Chapter 95: Dead Reunion
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 95: Dead Reunion

Gao Ming was curious about the power of Xia Yang’s death portrait. Based on current info, the portrait could copy other portraits and create red buildings. Due to Xia Yang’s sacrifice, Gao Ming didn’t dare to use the portrait too much. He was worried that the more he became reliant on the picture, the greater Xia Yang’s influence on him would be.

“He’s stubborn, but he’s fighting fate in his own way.”

Gao Ming had no comments on Xia Yang. He didn’t touch the paintings and money in the bungalow. He only took the game analysis in the storage and the admin privilege for Dead Water Forum.”

The greatest hidden danger was eliminated. Gao Ming planned to start his own platform to lead the other players. Gao Ming cleaned up his trail and returned to Nightlight. Compared to earlier, the atmosphere was fully different. Manager Gou personally poured coffee for Xuan Wen as he introduced Nightlight.

“CEO Xuan, you have such good eyes. Our studio is famous for making horror games. The people here are elites among elites!” Manager Gou stood before Xuan Wen, “Our main artist, Xia Yang, has won many international artistic awards. Please take a look at his work. Without years of dedication and illness, you can’t make art like this!

“And our main programmer, Wei Dayou! You saw what happened earlier. Even the police came to him for help. He’s our studio’s pride!”

Manager Gou praised everyone in the studio. People were embarrassed.

“In a way, Manager Gou is quite kind.”

Gao Ming entered the office and pushed Manager Gou aside. He led Xuan Wen to the corridor.

“I need a favour.” Gao Ming logged into Dead Water Forum. “You are good with human hearts. This job is perfect for you.”

“What’s wrong? Why are you dealing with sewage treatment?” Xuan Wen studied the professional posts on the forum.
“The forum is just the front. As players clear the games, they will need a platform to exchange information.” Gao Ming transferred the codes and cypher to Xuan Wen. “I hope you can become the platform’s manager and lead all the players.” The

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