Chapter 96: Supermarket
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 96: Supermarket

The people in the portrait stared out. Gao Ming called his parents. Soon came the knocking. Gao Ming opened the door. Beyond the door was the shadow world. Before the ghost mother spoke, he entered the shadow world and closed the door behind him. Using the power of the portrait, Gao Ming came to Building 4 of Min Long Street in the shadow world.

He appeared without warning that he frightened the two villagers on guard duty. One of them reacted quickly. He grabbed the rope on the wall and shook it. The bell chimed loudly. Footsteps came from upstairs. Darkness spread. Wei Dayou, holding a weapon, rushed over with the other villagers.

“Calm down. It’s one of us.”
Wei Dayou didn’t relax when he saw Gao Ming. After asking a few questions and confirming it was really Gao Ming, he finally approached.

“The fuck. You scared us!” Wei Dayou gave Gao Ming a fist bump. “This place is beyond scary. You sure chose a good home for us!”

“Where is the blind brother?” Gao Ming realised the villagers respected Wei Dayou a lot.

“He’s resting.” Wei Dayou had the two villagers return to guard duty. He led Gao Ming and his parents with the cakes to the fourth floor. “There’s no need to bring cake with you! But we do lack food and water.”

An An’s home was turned into the command central by Wei Dayou. A hand-painted map hung on the wall. It was marked with various info. The supermarket near Building 4 was circled.

Closing the door when there were only Gao Ming and Wei Dayou in the room, Dayou showed fear and worry. “Brother, it’s not looking good.”

Wei Dayou pulled out a list from the drawer. “There are 67 survivors in Building 4. 32 of them are from Bo Wan Villager, 5 homeless people, 20 students, and 10 investigators. Half of them have been infected by the shadow and can’t leave the shadow world anymore.”

“Infected by the shadow?”

“Once you stay long enough in the shadow world or have been touched by a ghost, it will happen.” Wei Dayou pulled up his sleeves. There was an inconspicuous ghost tattoo on his arm. It looked like a gi

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