Chapter 97: Rules
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 97: Rules

Gao Ming ran into the break room and shut the door. The newbies from Li San all moved to the wall and looked at him with alert.

“I live at Li Jing Apartments. It was suddenly sealed up by the police without explanation. I was denied entry into Building 2. When I wanted to buy something to eat at Min Long Street, I saw this supermarket being sealed up. I was curious, so I came to look.” Gao Ming seemed to be lost. “I didn’t think I entered the supermarket, but when I came to, I was already in here.”

“Curiosity kills the cat.” Zhu Suisui said seriously, “You’ve been dragged into an anomaly. This is a ghost world!”

Gao Ming looked at Zhu Suisui. Her face seemed to overlap with Qin Tian’s face. She said the same thing as Qin Tian said back then. She was the guide provided by fate to tell Gao Ming about the anomaly.

“Normal people will find this hard to accept.” Zhu Suisui consoled Gao Ming. “It’s normal to be afraid, but we still have hope.”

“Yes. Don’t give up.” The other bespectacled newbie was kind too. “Captain Bai Xiao is very experienced, and he is with us. He is a very impressive person.”

“If that’s the case, why did he abandon you?” Gao Ming knew Bai Xiao better than anyone there. He killed Bai Xiao last time.

“The captain will not abandon us. He just went to scout the way.” The shortest investigator was dissatisfied. “New investigators learning manual. The experienced investigators follow the rules. Only the most experienced investigators can discover new rules. Our team captain is one of the most experienced investigators.”

“Where is him now?” Gao Ming was more curious about that.

“One of the newbies was named. Captain Bai and a few seniors went with him.”

“Named? What do you mean?” Gao Ming heard this strange term.

“Don’t ask so many questions. Just follow the rules.” Zhu Suisui didn’t have a black band. She took out a paper and pen. She wrote down the rules for Gao Ming. “Put away your curiosity. Don’t challenge anything…” Zhu Suisui was only halfway through when static came from the intercom in

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