Chapter 98: Be a Happy Person
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 98: Be a Happy Person

“The work table requires us to deal with the corpses of two children. There is a picture of two children in the worker’s locker.”

The picture was lay slanted against the back of the locker like someone was worshipping it. Gao Ming ran to the frozen aisle and opened the giant freezer.
“Do you think the corpses will be hidden here?” The newbie and Zhu Suisui followed him.

“There’s no blood or smell. Therefore, the corpses are probably frozen.” Gao Ming moved away some yoghurts. He didn’t care about them at first, but then, he froze when he glanced at the production date. “How can the production date be a decade ago?”

“A decade?” Zhu Suisui took over the bottle. She opened the cap and took a sniff. “It smells normal. Could it be a printing error?” Gao Ming picked up some other casual products. He realised all the production dates were at least one decade ago.

“Why is everything from ten years ago?”

The bell at the entrance chimed. The countdown on the monitor paused. An old man with a bare chest and holding a shirt entered the supermarket. He was drenched, and his skin was bloated.

“Xiao Gao! I’m here to deliver money!” The elder had a loud voice. His scream chased away the oppressive atmosphere in the supermarket. Gao Ming’s group looked at each other. They had no idea who Xiao Gao was.

“I’ll go take a look. You should keep searching for the corpses.” Zhu Suisui hid the axe behind her. She walked to one side of the shelves and poked half her body out.

“Jing Jing, is Xiao Gao not at work today?” The elder was very kind. He treated Zhu Suisui as someone else and walked over.

“Jing Jing?” Zhu Suisui had never encountered something like this. As she saw the elder approach her, she didn’t know what to say. The elder’s skin was bloated. It looked like he had been soaked in water for a long time.

“Sir, do you need anything?” Gao Ming walked out from behind Zhu Suisui and pressed on Zhu Suisui’s shaking shoulders.

“Are you drunk too? Why are you calling me Sir and not Uncle?” The elder walked towards Gao Ming. Zhu

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