Chapter 99: Education
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 99: Education

The anomaly at Min Long Supermarket didn’t make Gao Ming feel confused in any way. Based on his years of experience, he managed to calm Uncle Li’s wife down.

“I’m not fully against Ol Li drinking, but he can’t keep on drinking like this.” The old lady picked up the comb. “He’s over 70, and he’s still acting like a child. Go and get him. I need to bring him home for a change of clothes, or he’ll catch a cold.”
“Uncle Li and Boss Zhang have gone hiding in the back.” Gao Ming pointed the way for the old lady.

“Are they hiding from me? Do they think I’m some kind of beast?” The old lady huffed and walked into the supermarket.

His heart slowly calmed down. Gao Ming sat beside the female streamer. The lady chuckled and gave Gao Ming a thumbs up. “Xiao Lian, you are quite clever. You must be very happy with your girlfriend.”

Seeing the woman’s bloated face, Gao Ming was confused. Every ‘human’ at the supermarket acted so normal.

The bell chimed again. Three dirty kids ran in. They were wet from the rain, but their faces were filled with smiles like they had just experienced the best adventure in the world. Gao Ming slowly stood up. Of the three kids, the leading kid had a wrinkled face from being soaked in water. The other two kids looked normal. The biggest issue was the two kids looked exactly like the children inside the picture in the break room.

“The work table wants us to look for children's corpses, but the two kids are here perfectly fine. Do corpses mean actual corpses?” Gao Ming remembered every detail. He felt like he was close to the truth of the supermarket.

“Today, it’s my treat! To celebrate our success in crossing Li San Gulf!” The bloated kid raised his hand. He didn’t mind his dripping dirty clothes.

“I also want to be the captain.”

“You’ve both been captain. It’s my turn next…”

Gao Ming got their names through their conversation.

The fat captain was Zhang Fendou. He was the boss, Zhang Ding’s son. The other two kids were called Le Jia and Le Ren. They were sons of the nearby neighbours. They h

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Novel Notes

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