Chapter 100: Rain from 10 Years Ago
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 100: Rain from 10 Years Ago

“Emergency evacuation! The flood is coming!”

Gao Ming stared at the monitor. The ticking time was like a giant weight on everyone’s body.

“Don’t just stand there! Run!”

The news about Li Sui Dam bursting appeared in Gao Ming’s mind. The storm a decade ago caused the old city and Da Zai to be flooded. The dam burst at midnight, so there were a lot of injured and missing people. The rain from ten years ago fell on Gao Ming. The tragedy repeated itself. Gao Ming screamed. He didn’t care if the customers in the supermarket were humans or ghosts.

Gao Ming didn’t run, and neither did Zhang Ding. Both of them ran into the supermarket to evacuate the customers. The old city’s plumbing system was bad. Soon, the water started to overflow into the supermarket. The dirty water swamped the clean floor. The customers put down their purchases and ran. Time ticked by. Gao Ming ran to Zhu Suisui and the bespectacled newbie. “The Li Sui Dam just burst! This is the flood from ten years ago. The people here should be the victims from back then!”

“The victims from ten years ago are here?!” The newbie was confused.

“The countdown is almost over. Have you found the children’s bodies?” Gao Ming was anxious. “We might not be facing ghosts, but a flood from ten years ago!” “The two kids are not dead, and they are running away! How can we find their bodies?” “The corpses on the work table might not be actual corpses. They could be something else. After all, in the shadow world, anything can happen.” Gao Ming said seriously. He didn’t hide his identity anymore. “Did you two discover anything strange?” God of Flesh and Blood kept giving off warnings. This was something Gao Ming had not encountered. If he didn’t handle this well, he might die there.

“We’ve searched the supermarket. Everything is normal, but we found a few rooms in the warehouse. The three kids appeared to have run there.” Zhu Suisui was still holding onto her axe. The axe was the only thing that could bring her security.


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