Chapter 92: The Painting In the Painting
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 92: The Painting In the Painting

“If I have sinned, I hope the police can take me away and not leave me with you people to torture me!”

Gao Ming could hear Manager Gou roar as he reached the door of Nightlight Studio. He glanced into the office.

“The main artist is on leave. The game director is missing. Even the cat is gone!” Manager Gou slammed the table, and his toupee slanted. “What can you people do? Am I being too kind to you that you do this to me?”
Logistic Zhang Wang took a sip of coffee and grumbled, “Whose fault is it that the studio is like this? We were supposed to develop horror games. You have to make us make a dating sim. It’s normal for Teacher Xia and Wei Dayou to choose to leave.”

“I drop my face to beg for this sponsor, and you’re blaming me for it?!” Manager Gou patted his face. “It’s because I have hope in you that I find this chance for you.”
“Did you get that in reverse?”

“Does that matter?” Manager Gou was so mad that he removed his toupee to wipe at his sweat. “Get on the phone to call Xia Yang back!”

“His phone is off.” The programmer, Li Jie, was helpless. He silently closed off the recruitment page on his computer.

“Then, call his home!” Manager Gou walked to Wei Dayou’s table. “What about this one? Have you called the police?”

“Do you need to involve the police?” Li Jie really thought Manager Gou had lost his mind.

“Even if he’s dead, I want to see his body!” Manager Gou shouted, “I’ve been in this business for over two decades. I can’t believe I’m saying these words!”

Gao Ming stood at the door and didn’t see Xuan Wen. He coughed and entered the office. “Manager Gou, did no one come for an interview today?”

Seeing Gao Ming, Manager Gou lost the few hairs he had. “Other people have pillows sent to them when they want to nap, but for me, people run into my house to set it on fire. Why is that?”

“Don’t misunderstand. I was just asking. Plus, the cat is not missing.” Gao Ming walked to Xia Yang’s table. Before he could do anything, footsteps came from the corridor. A few officers knocked on the door and entered

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