Chapter 91: The Read Dead Water
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 91: The Read Dead Water

The young man took out another betel nut and popped it into his mouth. He listened to the baby crying, and his breathing became heavier. Some people liked to torture kittens because their cries sounded like babies. The crying became louder. Gao Ming slowly walked out of the corner. He had confirmed the person’s identity through the forum. Even if he was not Dead Water, he must be connected to him.

Taking out the death portrait of the patients, Gao Ming promised to treat them. They only needed to help him capture people as a form of payment. Shadow spread. Before the young man could react, he was pushed into the wall. He then realised there were a few more ‘people’ around him.

Gao Ming covered the young man’s mouth. Gao Ming looked into the locker. There was no death portrait but a drawing. The black-and-white drawing was no different from a real death portrait. The portrait was of a beautiful woman. Her body was mature, but her intelligence appeared to stop at a baby’s age. She was crying like a baby. The painter was impressive. Just a look at the drawing and one could feel everything.

“The woman’s soul has been pulled out, and her shell is stuck inside the painting.” Gao Ming took out the drawing, “This drawing is too similar to a death portrait.”

Gao Ming put away the painting that was crying and removed the gag on the young man’s mouth, “Was it you who set up the Dead Water Forum?”

The young man’s expression twisted. He smiled, “I know what you want to ask, but I won’t tell you.”

“It looks like you’re a pervert with a backbone. Unfortunately, I’m a psychiatrist who has ways to make you speak.” Gao Ming touched his heart. The torture devices made from flesh trembled.

“Don’t waste your energy. So, what if I die?” The young man was like a snake. He memorised Gao Ming’s face. If he were given a chance, he would kill him immediately.

“Die? Do you think it’s that easy?” The torture device materialised in Gao Ming’s hand. “This is a flesh baller. Its edge is so sharp that you can easily gouge out a perfect sphe

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