Chapter 90: Dead Water Forum
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 90: Dead Water Forum

Qin Tian’s face meant that he was always feared by others, but he didn’t care. He worked hard.

“My teacher has always been like this. If you have any discovery or run into any problem, you can contact me directly,” Zhu Suisui left her phone number. Before she left, she took a few more glances at Gao Ming. She felt like the man was special. She felt safe around him.

After the investigations left, Gao Ming calculated the time. Different timelines crossed his mind.

“I have no one in the centre. I do not know Situ An’s current location. The old fox will be extra cautious after he realises Doctor Lu and Qing Ge have been killed.” Gao Ming knew that Situ An was very careful. If not for the press, he wouldn’t even show up in public. “Is it because he has killed too many people?”

There was another path presented to Gao Ming. That was for him to join the east city investigation centre, but it could expose him easily.

“I’ve eaten the God of Flesh and Blood. Situ An would have to trigger a different Level 4 Anomaly. This might be his fate.” The more he wanted to stop it, the more likely it would happen. Gao Ming had a certain understanding of fate’s power.

“Before Situ An completed the mission given to him by fate, I would run into accidents if I tried to kill him. A small detail could cause the whole house of cards to crumble.” Gao Ming predicted everything that could have happened in the next three days.

“Since I can’t find Situ An, going into the east city centre alone is too risky, and it is a waste of time. I should use this time to strengthen myself.” Gao Ming recounted his death memory. He once selflessly exposed all the game details and got everyone to play the games so everyone could benefit from it.

That time, Gao Ming stood on fate’s side, but he ended poorly. The players who got the most benefits made Gao Ming their final target. Through careful planning, they forced Gao Ming to his death. Of all the human players, Gao Ming remembered two people the most. One was the top player who came up with all the hun

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