Chapter 69: Wei Dayou
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 69: Wei Dayou

Gao Ming had to control the source of the Fear Illness. He had to detain this illness that could easily spread. Once he had the Fear Illness, he wouldn’t be afraid of the enemy having a high number. The greater the number of enemies, the easier they would spread the illness. The boy had no idea what Gao Ming was thinking. He licked his lips as if thinking about the sweetness of cake.

Seeing this, Gao Ming took out his phone and his family portrait. He called home.

“Why did you take out a death portrait to call a take-out?” Zhao Xi covered the boy’s eyes, afraid that this might scare him. “That picture is quite scary.”

At that moment, someone knocked on the living room door. Ghost Mother and Father appeared at the door with the cake. The light was switched on to chase away the darkness. Gao Ming picked up the chair and table. He cleaned up the room, “Brother Zhao, help clean up. We might come here a lot in the future.”

Zhao Xi was shocked by the God of Flesh and Blood. He thought the world was going to end, but he was only a cleaner. The ghost parents greeted them kindly. Just from appearance, they didn’t look different from normal people. When there were outsiders, the ghost parents were kind and welcoming. The snacks and toys were placed on the couch. The phone played music. It was storming outside, but it was warm inside. They decorated the room. A few strangers gathered in the shadow world to celebrate a child’s birthday. Zhao Xi didn’t know the ghost parent’s true identity. He chatted with them. The boy carried the dishes Gao Ming cooked out of the kitchen. He was quite busy but happy. After making the last dish, Gao Ming looked out the window at night.

“There are many horror stories hidden in Li San District. I’ve once planned to make this place into a base.” In terms of geographical complexity and population density, the old city was first at Han Hai. That was what Gao Ming needed.

“If I do something that makes an enemy out of the centre, I have nowhere to go in real life, but Li San District in the sha

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