Chapter 68: Birthday
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 68: Birthday

Whenever he saw the God of Flesh and Blood, Gao Ming wanted to kill Situ An even more. He still didn’t have the power to fight the east city investigation centre, but that would change soon. Gao Ming planned to do things according to his plan. He wanted to turn over the entire Han Hai, much less the centre.

“I once wanted to join the centre, but I saw many dead bodies of myself in the tunnel wearing the centre uniform. In that case, I’ll take a different path.” Gao Ming put away the phone and picked Zhao Xi up from the ground, “Brother Zhao, have you played a horror game before?”

Zhao Xi hadn’t recovered. He pointed at the God of Flesh and Blood and couldn’t speak.

“Don’t worry. I’m a verified doctor. I will treat you.” Gao Ming had Zhao Xi approach the God of Flesh and Blood. “Do you feel better now?” Zhao Xi nodded his head slowly. He felt like he was about to be consumed by God.

“Wonderful.” Gao Ming switched out Zhao Xi’s will and turned it into a bucket list. Then, he put it back into Zhao Xi’s pocket. “Brother Zhao, tonight, we are going to be reborn.”

The God of Blood and Flesh crawled back into Gao Ming’s body. The room returned to normal, but the lights wouldn’t come back on.

“I’ll bring you to the shadow world for you to see the truth.” No one paid Zhao Xi any attention. Even his sister-in-law and mother thought he was useless. However, Gao Ming knew Zhao Xi’s positives. He had a positive heart, a kind soul and a hard determination. Zhao Xi was about to refuse, but Gao Ming already put the raincoat on him. He was urged out of the shadow by Gao Ming.

For some reason, even though he was stunned, he still followed Gao Ming down the stairs. He was afraid, but he believed Gao Ming wouldn’t harm him. Zhao Xi came to the first floor and slowly recovered his rationality. He licked his dry lips. “Where are we going?”

“Ming Long Street No. 4.”

“We… are we going to see that big guy again?” Zhao Xi asked hesitantly.

“No. It’s very safe there.” Gao Ming walked out and stepped over Qi Yan. Seeing the bloody Q

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