Chapter 67: Ghost!
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 67: Ghost!

Yan Qi turned around and looked into Gao Ming’s bloodshot eyes!


Yan Qi didn’t have the chance to react as Gao Ming swung the brick in his hand three times!

Yan Qi fell to the ground. He didn’t expect someone to be behind him and directly assaulted him. He wanted to struggle, but Gao Ming shoved medicine into his mouth.

“You…” His mind blurred. It was hard to tell if it was the drugs or if his head had shattered open.

“Such stubbornness!” When Gao Ming wanted to smash the fourth time, he suddenly remembered he had no idea if Yan Qi had already killed or not. If he accidentally killed him, he would never know.

He took out his phone to call the police. Then, he recorded Yan Qi on the video. Finally, he woke up the woman inside the room. When she found out there was a pervert outside her window, she was shocked and scared. She didn’t dare to open the door for Gao Ming. She threw out the rope through the net. Gao Ming expertly tied up Yan Qi. Gao Ming was shocked because he even used the same knot.

“Since I left the shadow world early, I indirectly saved the people who Yan Qi would have killed. Each restart would bring a different world. Everything could change, except me.” Since the future was open, he would burn fearlessly. People might fall from a tall place, but Gao Ming was never afraid because he’d be there to catch himself. Gao Ming tossed the brick. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he rushed to Building 2, Zhao Xi’s home.

Stopping before the familiar door, Gao Ming didn’t hesitate and banged on the door.

“Brother Zhao! I’m Gao Ming from Building 4! I have something important to tell you!

“Open the door! Brother Zhao! Zhao Xi!”

Gao Ming knew Zhao Xi was trapped in pain and self-decimation. He trapped himself in the corner of the world and couldn’t walk out.

“Zhao Xi! Open the door!” Gao Ming took two steps back for a running start. “You are very important! Many people need you! They are waiting for you!”

Gao Ming ran and was about to kick when the old door opened. Gao Ming brushed

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