Chapter 66: Restart
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 66: Restart

The drenched Xuan Wen carried Gao Ming. They walked through the mud into the night.

“Do you need me to carry you?”

“We’re almost there.”

The storm washed down on them. Compared to the endless nights, they were miniscule. The light in their hands felt like it would go out at any time. After some time, Xuan Wen pushed out an e-bike from behind a tree. She patted the backseat. “Let’s go.”

“I didn’t expect this is how you’d send me home.” Gao Ming got on the bike and held onto the back handle. “Do people from the shadow world rely on motorcycles too?”

“The roads were sealed, and I couldn’t drive here.” Xuan Wen spat out the rainwater in her mouth and stared at Gao Ming. “Never mind. Give me the raincoat and move to the back.”


Gao Ming was like a kid. He flipped up the end of the raincoat to cover his head.

“The rain will drop on your back.”

“I can feel that!”

Xuan Wen led Gao Ming away from the countryside covered by shadows and drove into the lightless city. The city felt like it was dead. They were the only ones in the world. At midnight, Xuan Wen dropped Gao Ming at Li Jing Apartments. Her breathing was ragged, like she almost died.

“Do you want to come in? I can get you a clean set of clothes.” Gao Ming held Xuan Wen’s arm. “My house is empty now, but my parents might come back with many cakes. We won’t be able to finish them.”

“Is this your first time inviting a member of the opposite sex back home? How did you come up with such a lousy excuse?” Xuan Wen shook Gao Ming’s hand off. She put on the dirty raincoat and rode back on the bike.

Gao Ming immediately ran over. “Xuan Wen!”

“Do not go kill the other eight female characters.”

Xuan Wen slowly turned her head around. This was the first time her secret was seen through, “I’m just going home.”

Gao Ming grabbed the bike and stared into Xuan Wen’s eyes. “They will become wounds that will never heal on your body. They will follow you forever. In the end, you will die because of them.”

Seeing that Gao Ming refused to let go, Xuan Wen’s

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