Chapter 65: A Great Start
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 65: A Great Start

A loophole appeared in the endless cycle. This was a crack Gao Ming made using endless deaths. He held the dead body’s hand. A black character of Ming was carved into the man’s palm. The memory was returning. Gao Ming instantly turned to leave.

As he walked out, the footsteps suddenly appeared behind him. Gao Ming’s body felt like it was bitten by a beast. He remembered this voice!

“I’ve waited so long for you. You took a vehicle you shouldn’t.”

It was that man’s voice! Gao Ming’s pupils narrowed. Before he entered the tunnel, it was this voice’s owner who killed him! Again and again!

“You’ve combined with a certain thing. I temporarily can’t separate you two. You should die, but I’ll give you a chance to live.” Indescribable pressure knocked Gao Ming to the ground. He was powerless before that voice. At that moment, he didn’t even dare to lift his head because he was afraid of revealing a flaw, letting the other party know that he was different from his earlier variations.

“Everyone’s destiny has been written at birth. The cycle continues. Everything has its own place.

“However, everything is losing control. Ghosts walk the street, and monsters wander among humans. The evil in human hearts will turn the city upside-down. Soon, the games you made based on horror stories will become true. They will crawl out of your rotten memory. The way to weaken them is to have more people play your games. You can help them clear your games, or you can choose to feed them to the ghost stories. Different choices will have different sacrifices and rewards.

“This is fate’s present for you. Take good use of them. Do not let the ghost stories appear.”

The pressure slowly disappeared. A hand pressed down on Gao Ming’s head.

“From now on, your name is Gao Ming.”

Name? Was he the one who gave me my name?

The voice disappeared. Gao Ming knew they were lying!

“Everyone has their script written when they were born. Perhaps the world used to run that way, but is that right?”

The rainwater dripped on his face. The dead bodies ret

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