Chapter 64: Death, Life
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 64: Death, Life

Blood coagulated on the cold wall. Each dead Gao Ming was different. Gao Ming’s mind wavered as his faces stared at him. His body touched the wall. When the flesh touched, he saw the carcasses’ memories.

“Doctor, the games I made seemed to become a reality.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Nowadays, people have such pressure in life. You can escape all that and live your dream life in a gaming world that you’ve shaped.”

“But I’m a horror game designer. I’ve constructed 126 murder cases and built up more than ten psycho-killers with varying personalities. For the sake of inspiration, I’ve watched 95 subgenres of horror movies, read 400 horror comics and collected more than 2000 urban legends. But now, they’ve all become real!”

“Then… Do you find me familiar?”

The blade pierced into his neck. Blood dyed the patient’s list. This memory felt so real. Gao Ming held his neck and walked away from the body in the patient’s clothes, but his mind and consciousness were grabbed by many hands.

“Mom! Run! The ghost is inside the house! I’m not crazy! I saw it! Let me go! The ghosts are coming. They want to destroy this city!”

“Child, focus on your illness. Leave the rest to us.”

“I’m not lying to you! Do not stay at home. Leave!”

“I know you are not lying. I might have her voice and face, but I am not your mother.”

The belt was tied around his neck. His hands waved up and down, but no one came to save him. More death memories came to Gao Ming, tearing his soul apart.

“I’m willing to join the investigation centre and use my life to protect more people.”

“Very good. From today onwards, you’ll follow me, Qing Ge!”

“Leader, the people who killed our brothers are not ghosts but humans!”

“I know. I was the killer!”

The knife cut through his head. Gao Ming’s head fell, and he saw an upside-down world. The death memories and different choices followed Gao Ming as he ran down the tunnel.

“No one can be trusted. Everyone can be a ghost in disguise. I will clear all the games and gain the ghost’s power to fight ghosts!”

“Gao Mi

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