Chapter 63: Tunnel
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 63: Tunnel

The warm light shone on his face. Gao Ming sat up in the bed in the hospital. There were many medical devices he didn’t recognise in the room. The corridor outside the door was guarded by many guards. Even a mosquito couldn’t get in.

“Your body is in bad condition. There are plenty of wounds, big and small. They very accurately avoided your fatal spots. But the key problem is your internal organs have suffered irreversible damage. We have tried all the methods, but we can only delay your death.” The nurses and doctors were waiting by his bed for 24 hours. They normally stayed in the room beside Gao Ming’s room.

“Where is this?”

“The East City Centre’s hospital. We treat people injured in the anomalies here.” The doctor pressed the beeper beside the bed. Several minutes later, Chen Yuntian and several higher-ups rushed into the room. The doctors and nurses cleverly exited the room and closed the door.

“The result of the investigation into the Si Sui Apartments Anomaly is out. You have contributed the most, but we hope you can keep the things about Situ An a secret.” Chen Yuntian sat beside Gao Ming. “The centre is heavily understaffed. If the others knew that they had been manipulated by Situ An, we might have a revolt on our hands.”

“You can tell us any demands you have. During these last moments of your life, we’ll try to satisfy everything you want.” The new chief of the east city hadn’t been selected. The east city centre was temporarily taken over by the Han Hai Investigation Centre. The person speaking then was one of the people holding some power at the headquarters.

“How much longer do I have left?” Gao Ming looked at his arms. The horrible wounds had been treated, but the black words that crawled out of them stayed on his skin. They were like curses.

“Three days.” Chen Yuntian said in pain. He was the one who told Gao Ming to join the centre, but he couldn’t do anything then.

“The researchers from Xin Lu might come in the afternoon to conduct some

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