Chapter 62: Main Character
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 62: Main Character

The shadow world had written scripts for every monster born in the shadow. The meaning of their existence was to help the shadow infiltrate real life. If they had other thoughts during this period and didn’t follow the script, the shadow world would drag them back into the shadow world. Xuan Wen and Gao Ming were similar. They wanted to resist the moment they opened their eyes.

She didn’t want to live like this forever. She believed she could change it. She was the support character with the least screen time. She didn’t have the prettiest face or the best personality. Perhaps she was influenced by Gao Ming, or she was born like this. She chose the most dangerous and maddening path. She stole the power and fate from the eight female characters. At the same time, eight wounds that couldn’t be healed were left behind. Xuan Wen had no power to stop the God of Flesh and Consciousness’ main consciousness and Situ An’s soul. If she wanted to buy enough time for Gao Ming, she had to borrow the shadow world’s power. When she was dragged into the shadow world, she tried to drag Situ An and the God of Flesh and Blood with her.

“There will be a process to combine with the heart of God. Even if I get the heart, you can’t stop them for me. So the best choice is for me to stop them for you to grab that heart.” Xuan Wen was really rational. She was not affected by any emotions. Everything she did was for the best ending. Shadow descended like the curtain. Xuan Wen’s body was like a wound cut between the two worlds. Human faces gushed out of the shadow world to envelope Situ An and the figurine.

At the same time, Gao Ming touched the heart of God. Gao Ming’s memory appeared on the clear heart. His past injected colours into the heart. The dark nights, red blood, blue skies and grey cities were torn apart. The car, from a distance, shone down its headlight. Gao Ming was inside and outside the car. The memory inside the heart looked at Gao Ming. It bloomed within the eight arms. The eyes opened. At that mome

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