Chapter 61: Main Character for a Week
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 61: Main Character for a Week

The last step of the ritual was completed. Of the four shapes, three of them had melted into the blood pool a long time ago. Only the Living Shape was harder to come back. The Living Shape had to retain their humanity and not be affected by the meat in the building. Of the entire building, only Gong Xi’s grandmother fit this requirement. The reason she was spared until then was probably she was the last sacrifice for the God of Flesh and Blood. Of course, Gong Xi didn’t know this. He thought that his grandmother was his secret.

Gong Xi, with the mutated mouth, dived into the pool to save his grandmother. Uncle Wu looked at Gong Xi with pity and then climbed towards the heart of God above the figurine. When was Uncle Wu replaced? Maybe it was several hours ago, or maybe it was decades ago. The figurine didn’t resist Uncle Wu. With each of his steps, he assimilated better with the figurine. When he picked down the heart, he would have fully joined with the figurine.

Xuan Wen and Situ An’s soul were fast, but they were still too slow. Uncle Wu had predicted this result. The God of Flesh and Blood knew everyone in the building, but there was a loophole in his calculation.

“Brother Zhao, grab him!” The twisted arm grabbed Uncle Wu’s ankle. Zhao Xi’s head slowly raised. He could barely hold his body together.

“Let go!” Uncle Wu kicked Zhao Xi, but Zhao Xi’s body started to envelop Uncle Wu.

“What is this thing?” Uncle Wu took out a talisman and tossed it on Zhao Xi. The talisman contained the pictures of the victim. They lit up as they touched Zhao Xi’s body.

As the two fought, Situ An’s soul rapidly approached. The soul with two faces opened its mouth to bite at the translucent heart.

“Get lost!” Xuan Wen shouted aggressively. Broken faces flashed in her eyes. The emotions of strangers evoked the shadow. Xuan Wen used her blood to weave a shadowy web. Xuan Wen could control the shadow. This was the power given to her by the shadow world, but the more she used it, the

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