Chapter 60: Eyes
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 60: Eyes

“Eight consciousness and one body. Four faces with no eyes.” Situ An’s eyes fired with madness when he saw the figurine. “20 years of sacrifice has finally succeeded.”

“This thing wants to kill all of us! Gao Ming, save my grandma!” The pool of blood surrounded the figurine. Gong Xi had to rely on Gao Ming, but Gao Ming only had Situ An in his eyes. The meat fragrance filtered into his nostrils. Gao Ming’s mutated heart was sucking his potential dry. His heart turned into a torture room. Misfortune-filled black characters descended like prayers. Gao Ming was also affected by the God of Flesh and Blood.

Blood thread pierced through the eye. Gao Ming ignored the rest and grabbed onto the chains. Even if he died, he had to bring Situ An with him. Situ An lost his interest in Gao Ming when he saw the complete figurine. He wanted to kill Gao Ming because he blocked his way, but he had a more important thing to do.

“God of Blood and Flesh!” A thick meat fragrance came out of the figurine. Everyone who had eaten the meat was affected. The blood level descended in the blood pool. Blood capillaries crawled out of the shadows and into the figurine. They swam inside the figurine and gathered in the middle of the eight arms. Situ An used twenty years and killed so many people for this moment.

The living human heart at the base of the figurine started to wilt. As blood was injected, a translucent heart appeared in the middle of the eight arms. It seemed to be both fake and real. It existed and did not. This was a heart that shouldn’t be. The shadow world and the real world hadn’t overlapped. Situ An used blood sacrifice and many investigators to feed this horror story and cultivate it into reality before time.

“Is this the heart of God?”

In the crowd, Xuan Wen and Situ An ran towards the ancestral hall at the same time. Their goal was clear: to snatch the translucent heart.

“Don’t you want to kill him?” The sound of chains clinging echoed in Gao Ming’s shadows. How could he let Situ An get away? Fighting was not the stro

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