Chapter 59: Ancestral Hall
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 59: Ancestral Hall

Through the corridor, Gao Ming saw the dead body. The fatal wound was on the chest. The knife that pierced the heart had a murder talisman on it. Situ An got the talisman from Granny Shen. He didn’t use it to kill the Evil Ghost but Yan Hua. The person who saved Gao Ming had lost his life. The hand that once Gao Ming’s lost its temperature. The shoulder that Gao Ming turned into a stairs and stayed behind.

“You should be looking for him, right?” Situ An pulled out the knife from Yan Hua’s heart. The talisman turned into dust. “Killing him is not easier than killing the Evil Ghost. I’ve lost many people.” The knife carved through Yan Hua’s skin. Situ An removed his ghost tattoo.

“I’ve given him the chance to surrender and work for me, but he rejected me.” Situ An looked at the tattoo in his palm. “I’m curious. Why would someone who doesn’t like money and power help you so much?”

Gao Ming didn’t speak. He looked at the chains in his hand. When he found out Qin Tian died, it felt surreal. After he joined the Li San Investigation Centre, he sat at Qin Tian’s table. Qin Tian’s traces were everywhere. Through Qin Tian’s photos and work records, he slowly got to know him, but Qin Tian was already gone.

Then, he personally went to select his teammates. He knew how dangerous it was, but he didn’t think too much of it. Tragedy was on his mind, but he was never prepared to see the people around him die, or he never thought he would need to say goodbye. Deep inside his heart, there was a missing concept of death. It seemed to be a kind of illness.

The arms that held the chains raised. Gao Ming pointed at Situ An’s face. “I want to kill you. I had that urge the first moment I saw you.”

“Is that so?” Situ An threw the tattoo away casually, “When I first saw you, I noticed how different you were from the others. I admire you a lot. I was even fearful. If wasn’t for the Evil Ghost, you would have died in Building B’s basement Room 9.”

“Don’t lose your calm! Get down to the basement first! You’ve gained the heart of flesh. O

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