Chapter 58: Flower
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 58: Flower

Gao Ming had seen the figurine of the God of Flesh and Blood in the restaurant underneath Building A before, but there was only one figurine there. There were eight figurines in this blood pool and each figurine held a bleeding heart like they were coming alive.

“The God of Blood and Flesh saw Xuan Wen’s memory. The eight heads are the eight female characters from the dating sim!”

Xuan Wen took out the portraits and power the shadow world had provided to the other eight female characters, and that was her weakness too. The shadow world wouldn’t allow Xuan Wen to change her fate. Xuan Wen had to fight the God of Flesh and Blood and the attack from the eight other female characters.

The heart beat. Gao Ming controlled his body to drag Lee Xiao to slam into the figurine closest to them. Blood mist appeared in the murky pool. They fought above the figurines. Gao Ming had eaten the meat, so he recovered faster than Lee Biao. Furthermore, Lee Biao’s consciousness was slowly eroded by the blood water. He gulped down the blood, and his gaze wavered. The butcher became the animal he butchered.

After dealing with him, Gao Ming rushed to push down the other figurines. He realised that after his wounds touched the stone hearts, the blood vessels on the surface of the figurines would crawl into his body, and the figurines would crack. Gao Ming used this method to destroy the figurines, but the female characters didn’t plan to let Xuan Wen go. The thick hatred gouged out wounds on Xuan Wen’s body. She was grasped by the shadow world, and she couldn’t escape with her own power. Gao Ming carried Xuan Wen’s body, and he also became the target of the female characters. His healing wounds opened up again.

“I’ll bring you out of here!”

Gao Ming pushed Xuan Wen to the water's surface. The moment she took in the fresh air, Xuan Wen’s eyes flew open. Broken faces appeared in her eyes. At that moment, the investigators in the butcher’s shop seemed to hear something. Their gaze turned murky. A

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