Chapter 57: Butcher
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 57: Butcher

Blood splattered on the many figurines. Granny Shen’s headless body fell in the middle of the talismans.

“If it’s not in my destiny, I’ll grab it myself.” Situ An stood before the old lady’s body as the figurines stared at him. Situ An wiped away the blood on his knife, and black words appeared on his body. “For the six investigators from the east city, they lasted for an average of seventeen hours after eating the meat. The stronger their will, the longer they lasted.”

“Once you die, your body will be mine.” The strange man’s voice said.

“Since I left the basement, you’ve tried to take over my body seven times already. Have you succeeded even once?” Situ An stepped on the talismans. He didn’t chase after Gao Ming but returned to the basement. His target was Yan Hua.

After a nineteen-minute torture, Gao Ming left with a wounded body. At first, he could barely walk, but as time passed, each pump of his heart injected energy into his body. The wounds were healing but more black characters appeared on his body as well.

“The heart of flesh is different from normal meat.” The meat inside the building was desire. Eating it was like conducting a trade with the God of Flesh and Blood. If the living paid everything, they could gain the power to fight ghosts for a short period of time. The heart was the vessel of God. Eating it didn’t mean a trade but more like a substitution of vessel.

Various voices appeared in Gao Ming’s mind. There were prayers, pleas and just pure screams. The sounds echoed around Si Sui Apartments and also within his mind. It was like his brain was uniting with the apartment.

“I remember Xuan Wen said that when she was born, she also heard many voices…”

The fragmented sounds tore at Gao Ming’s will. This was the most unique thing about the God of Flesh and Blood. It could melt memory into the blood and, through mutation of the blood, manifest one’s hidden desire.

Gao Ming didn’t look like he had changed on the surface, but his

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