Chapter 56: Dragon
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 56: Dragon

Gao Ming created a possibility within the impossibility. He ate the heart of flesh hidden by the Evil Ghost in the park of murder; Situ An also found a trace of life. He accepted the Vil Ghost and became one with his tormentor.

“I don’t understand it. You have wealth that normal people couldn’t finish in multiple lifetimes, connections all over Han Hai and the admiration of the public. You can get anything you want. Why did you join the investigation centre? Why would you want to create despair?” Gao Ming was a professional psychiatrist. He had seen many criminals but not many like Situ An.

“I didn’t create despair. Despair already exists.” Situ An wanted to kill Gao Ming, but he looked at him with admiration.

“I thought I’d get respect once I did the best in everything. When I was in my twenties, I met a big shot in Han Hai. He appreciated my abilities and always lavished praises on me. However, his casual words shattered my confidence.

“I couldn’t understand it until I went home and saw my cleaner mopping the house. I praised her out of habit. The clean floor reflected her and me. At that moment, I understood that was how the big shot praised me too. The world’s biggest despair is when you look up into the sky and you realise the sky has nothing to do with you. This is the world I live in but not my world.” Situ An raised the knife, “Ghosts and humans are the same in my eyes.”

“Don’t waste time talking. The heart of flesh has been eaten. My real body is collapsing, and your mad subordinates are coming.” A strange man’s voice came out of Situ An’s mouth. The Evil Ghost was forced to work with Situ An.

After the heart of flesh left the figurine, all the capillaries in the basement dried up. The rusted pipes fixed on the ceiling started to fall. The surrounding corpses rotted quickly. The red threads hidden in the ceiling snapped, and giant tears appeared. Stones fell, accompanied by the horrible stench and dirty blood. The ceiling crumbled. The maze of the torture room

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