Chapter 55: Heart
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 55: Heart

Gao Ming, with a missing left eye, held his phone. He placed his last hope on his ghost parents. Shadows gathered madly. Gao Ming prayed like it was his birthday. This time, he didn’t voice his wish.

When the shadows surrounded the torture room, something knocked on the black door before Gao Ming. At the same time, the phone was answered. Through the static, the mother asked, “Gao Ming, did you miss home again?”

The knocking became more insistent. More and more parents disappeared from the picture. The metallic door slowly caved in. The red threads bound around Gao Ming’s wounds. The giant chair wanted to pull him back.

Gao Ming pierced his fingers into the ground. When the last parent disappeared from the photo, the bloody metallic door was fully enveloped by shadows. The axle snapped, and the door was forced open!

The strange parents had strange smiles. They carried Gao Ming’s favourite cake. Even though their bodies were bent out of shape, the cakes were perfect.

“Happy birthday!”

“Yes, happy birthday!” Gao Ming raised his bloody hands to grab his strange family. “I’ll eat the cakes when we escape.”

His parents knew that he would come home, so they had been waiting for his call. The chair didn’t understand the warmth of home. It was just a piece of furniture. Even though it contained many human hearts, it couldn’t understand human connections. Blood leaked out from underneath the chair and pierced through the ghost parents. It tried to drag them to the chair, but when the ghost parents were damaged, they melted back into the shadow. The parents didn’t have offensive power, but they couldn’t be killed completely. Gao Ming put the picture back into his bag. He forced himself to stand up.

The Evil God avoided the fatal blow to prolong the torture time. Gao Ming didn’t know when the Evil God would return. He didn’t want to take any chances. He hurried forward. The scent of blood thickened. Strange blood capillaries grew on the wall. Gao Ming knew he might b

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