Chapter 54: Torment
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 54: Torment

After looking around, Gao Ming could confirm that there was no one else other than him and the investigator in that room.

‘The Evil Ghost is not here. Why didn’t the investigator run away? He’s sitting on the chair, and his limbs aren’t even tied. He can easily leave.’ The chair was made from metal and leather. The seat and cushion were stained with blood.

“Help me, please!” The investigator sat frozen in the chair. He screamed for help, but he didn’t even dare to budge his body. It felt like he was luring Gao Ming over. However, based on his expression, he didn’t look like he was lying.

“What are you so afraid of? What is hidden here?” Gao Ming probed.

The investigator shook his head slightly. It was unclear whether he didn’t know or didn’t dare to say.

“Is there a ghost that I can’t see?” Gao Ming probed further. The investigator shook his head again. His eyes wandered to the side as if he wanted Gao Ming to be careful around the torture devices. Just as he did that, the normal-looking chair suddenly bound the investigator’s wrists. The torture devices moved on their own.

“Save me! Save me!”

The investigator’s body was tormented. He had eaten the meat, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t feel pain. Hearing the shout, the other devices were like sharks. They were pulled by red threads and rushed towards the investigator in the centre. The scene was so harrowing that Gao Ming had to turn his head away.

In just five minutes, the investigator was gone. His body disappeared. Only a beating heart covered in black characters remained on the chair. The board in the middle of the chair fell away. The heart fell into the chair. Then, the chair slowly moved towards Gao Ming. The room was small. Gao Ming’s body was soon bound by thin, red lines. He was fixed to the chair. There was no chair in the room, but it was scarier than any ghost Gao Ming had ever encountered. This was a theme park made by Evil Ghost. Pain and damage were real. The metals clunk together. The chains slithered on the ground like snakes. The chains

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