Chapter 53: Torture Room
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 53: Torture Room

Si Sui Apartments cultivated many killers. It was so several decades ago, and it was still the same in the present. Situ An didn’t plan to coexist with the tenants. He had his subordinates mark down the doors. He knew which room had ghosts, which room had traps and which were empty.

The doors were pried open, and blood flowed. As the time of the murder extended, the investigators who ate the meat slowly lost themselves. More black characters appeared on their bodies. Their gazes wavered.

“It’s time to reap the seeds planted twenty years ago.” Seeing the investigators spiralling out of control, Situ An showed no sympathy. Everything was going according to his plan. The meat was not antidotes but poisons. However, those with a strong constitution could resist the poison longer. Coincidentally, every investigator who had experienced a Level 3 anomaly had superhuman determination and acuity. They walked in the most dangerous shadows.

Situ An chopped the metal rails. “20 years ago, a crazy case happened at Si Sui Apartments Building A. Two families of eight were killed. The killer wore a red coat. After he committed the crime, he killed himself. Twenty years later, the anomaly happened. The killer became a human-eating ghost, and he is here.”

The more the black characters, the stronger the curse. The more the investigators lost themselves, the more power they gained. Situ An used the normal tenants to feed the investigators. He led everyone to the first floor. He walked straight to Granny Shen’s room. He knocked on the door politely. “I’m here to fulfil my promise.”

The door opened a gap. Granny Shen looked at the investigators who had eaten the meat. She sighed. “You are mad.” Through the gap, Granny Shen tossed out three murder talismans. “That’s all I have.”

“You don’t need to live in fear anymore after the evil ghost is dead.” Situ An looked down on the old lady. “I will bring you away from here.”

“Only three are left.” Granny Shen closed the door and locked it. Situ An picked up the talismans and glared at t

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