Chapter 52: Meat Eats Ghost
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 52: Meat Eats Ghost

Some of them had heard Situ An’s name before. When people hesitated, a young adult investigator walked forward and picked up the piece of meat. The fragrance of meat was mixed with the smell of blood. The investigator looked at the bitemark and hesitated. The investigator who was killed ate this meat before, but he was unlucky to fail to get the power to fight ghosts.

The young man was the focus of everyone’s eyes. His eyes turned red, and he bit at the meat. The meat juices splattered everywhere. He had not eaten something as delicious as this. In a few seconds, the young man swallowed the entire piece. He didn’t even realise it.

Blood clouded his eyes. The young man felt his heart racing. He could hear a voice. He covered his ears and knelt on the ground.
“Kill them! Kill them all!” Another person’s voice exited the young man’s mouth. Black words crawled out of his heart. He rolled on the ground. The other investigators wanted to help, but the young man fought them back. The young man aimed to kill. This lasted for three minutes. The young man collapsed on the ground. He didn’t make any sound. Other than the few characters on his chest, he was no different from before. The young man slowly climbed up. He wiped away the sweat on his face and looked around in confusion. “Have I succeeded?”

“You have.” Qing Ge pulled the young man behind him. “Ghosts eat humans, humans eat meat, and meat eats ghosts. You didn’t become a ghost, but of course, you’re not human anymore.”

“But I don’t feel any change other than the pain.”

“Pain is power.” Qing Ge pulled out a knife and stabbed the young man’s palm. This shocked everyone. The young man held his hand in pain. Qing Ge dropped the knife before him. “Go down the corridor. There’s a mutated female ghost living in the unit near the entrance of Building B’s fifth floor. Kill it with this knife.”

These remaining survivors had stronger mental strength than most. Using his uninjured hand, the young man stumbled down the corridor. The other investigators followed.

The pain c

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