Chapter 51: Situ An
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 51: Situ An

The chef opened the big red door. They could hear the sound of chanting outside and the smell of delicious meat. Gao Ming followed the chef. He saw many portraits inside the room. Everyone looked strange, and they had names written on them.

“Does each portrait represent a living person?”

The faint smell of meat came from the portraits. Gao Ming then realised the portrait was not painted on paper but on human skin.

After entering the room, Gao Ming felt like he was being stared at by pairs of eyes. Gong Xi immediately bowed to the ground. He didn’t dare to lift his head. The chef didn’t seem to sense the outside world. He pulled back the black cloth in the middle of the room and revealed the giant altar table.

The table was red, and eight empty plates were placed on it. An investigator knelt on the table. He wore the centre uniform. His neck was covered with black words. His mouth chanted words that no one could understand.

“Why would there be an investigator here?” Zhu Suisui was still confused when Gao Ming retreated. There was no figurine on the altar. The thing being worshipped there had been stolen away!

The chef collapsed to the ground. His heart was pierced, and his head fell. The chanting slowly faded away. Footsteps came from all sides. The investigator also stood up. He was handsome-looking but half of his face was blotted out by the black characters.

“Don’t misunderstand. We’re also members of the investigation centre.” Gao Ming showed his black band. “Old City Division Li San Centre Team One’s Leader, Gao Ming.”

The young investigator wiped away the blood on his knife and said coldly, “East City Division Queens Investigation Centre Centre Captain, Qing Ge.”

“Centre Captain?” The captain of Li San Investigation Centre was 40 plus. Qing Ge looked not older than 25. Gao Ming believed he was older than Qing Ge.

“Do you know the damage your rash actions have caused? It ruined the trap we had set for weeks.” Qing Ge’s voice was soft, but he radiated a dangerous presence. “Who told you to come here?”

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