Chapter 50: Your Desire
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 50: Your Desire

The restaurant appeared to come alive. The walls slowly moved inward. The door and frame bumped, creating the sound of teeth chomping.

“Everyone has some kind of desire hidden in their heart, and I can turn your desire into reality. Eat the meat I’ve prepared for you, and you will not be troubled again.”

The thick fragrance infiltrated their bodies. Zhu Suisui started to lose control and scratch her shoulders. Her nails dug into her flesh. Triggered by the smell, she seemed to see her parents, who died in the fire. When she was young, her parents picked her up on their shoulders. After she grew up, her parents leaned on her shoulders.

“You can do whatever you want to do, and you can see whoever you want to see. Life and death will never separate you.” Zhu Suisui’s blood mixed with the fragrance. Two blurry faces formed in her wounds. Zhu Suisui’s parents appeared to be crawling out of her shoulders. This was as predicted by Granny Shen. If this continued, the vision in Granny Shen’s basin would come true.

“Wake up!” Gao Ming shook Zhu Suisui, but the transformation didn’t stop.

The meat smell invoked the desire within Zhu Suisui. Zhu Suisui voluntarily embraced her parents. She didn’t want to separate from them again, even if she became a monster.

“Our flesh and blood contain our instinct. Your body will never lie to you. It has made the choice for you.” The man’s voice echoed in the restaurant. “Come in. I’ve prepared some meat for you. Eat it, and you’ll never feel pain again.”

Zhu Suisui had lost her mind. If Gao Ming let go of her, she would rush into the kitchen and lose something.

“Gong Xi, hold her back!” The restaurant kept shrinking. If they stayed there, everyone would die. Gao Ming didn’t choose to sacrifice Zhu Suisui. He picked up the menu and walked to the back kitchen while he was still sane. Gao Ming pulled back the thick curtain.

The smell of meat hit him like a wall of brick. However, the kitchen was completely different from what he expected. There was no fire or stove. Only a muscular m

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