Chapter 70: Wan Qiu
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 70: Wan Qiu

“Good morning.” Gao Ming didn’t act like a normal person. He saw the blood and wounds, but he didn’t run back. Instead, he blocked the door. His sudden appearance startled Wei Dayou so much that his phone fell to the ground.

“Gao Ming?” Wei Dayou kept moving back until he hit the wall.

“What do you want to tell me on the phone?” Gao Ming shook his head and smiled like he had seen an old friend. However, this smile chilled Wei Dayou.

“Did you kill them? I saw it!” Wei Dayou picked up his phone in a panic and stayed away from Gao Ming.

“How could I do such a thing?” Gao Ming paused and touched his face. He didn’t look particularly suspicious other than his timing.

“Once the clock hit midnight on the Hungry Ghost Festival, a masked butcher entered my apartment. He had everyone answer ten questions, and those who couldn’t would be killed!”

“And then?” “Only I survived because I knew the answers. The questions were from the game you had designed!” Wei Dayou was agitated. His face was red. “We’ve known each other for years and often talked deep into the night, sharing inspiration. I‘ve always believed you are my best friend and the one who understands me the most.” Gao Ming walked to Wei Dayou. “If I tell you I’m not the killer, would you believe me?”

Staring into Gao Ming’s calm eyes, Wei Dayou loosened his fists and nodded. “I believe you.”

Gao Ming showed the surveillance video at his home. “When this happened, I was at home with my parents.”

After confirming Gao Ming was not the killer, Wei Dayou relaxed and sat down on the chair. “Then, how did the game become real? Only the two of us know about the game content.”

“I hope you won’t tell anyone what I’m going to tell you.” Gao Ming sat across from Wei Dayou. Death memories entered his mind. In the many versions he saw, Wei Dayou had never betrayed him. This friend always stood on his side. In fact, he died many times for Gao Ming.

“Tell me.” Gao Ming took half an hour to tell Wei Dayou the truth

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