Chapter 71: Busybody
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 71: Busybody

Wan Qiu last appeared on the camera at the noodles shop next to Si Sui Apartments. The surveillance showed him walking across the street and into Building B of Si Sui Apartments.

“Did the kid really not lose his memory?” Gao Ming paid a lot for this chance. Gao Ming found wet footprints in the corridor, and he followed them to the fifth floor.

“The footprints disappeared?!” Gao Ming turned the corner and realised the door to Room 506 was left open. The flyers that were slid into the door fell to the ground.

“Room 506 has been abandoned for a long time already.”

Gao Ming picked up a flyer and blew away the dust. He looked into Room 506. The outside was very dusty, but the room inside was very clean, like everyone still came to clean it every day. Gao Ming tried to knock on the door. A thin figure walked out of the kitchen. Wan Qiu wore the apron used by Ghost Mother and held the pan fearfully. “Who, who are you?”

Wan Qiu was very cowardly in the past. He didn’t dare to talk to strangers. He closed himself up. He started to communicate with others after he met Gao Ming. However, it was different this time. Wan Qiu was not only cooking but also actively greeting the guests.

“My name is Gao Ming. I was requested by a mother to look after her two daughters.” Gao Ming said politely, “The older daughter is Xian Xian, and the younger daughter is Yuan Yuan.”

The front door slammed close behind it. The temperature in the room dropped. Wet footprints appeared in the living room.

“Impossible! They said they don’t know you!” Wan Qiu held the pan and walked out of the kitchen. He gathered his courage to face Gao Ming, “We don’t wel-welcome you here. Please leave.”

Smelling the burnt smell from the kitchen, Gao Ming raised his brows. “I know you want to take care of the two kids, but can you really do it?”

Ignoring the danger, Gao Ming walked past Wan Qiu and into the kitchen. He took out the burning pan. Seeing the charred item inside the pan, Gao Ming’s smile twitched. “Did you make this?”

Wan Qiu was embarrassed. He

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