Chapter 27: Hide With Me
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 27: Hide With Me

It was both hard and easy to clear this game. If one had no fear in one’s heart, one would not be infected. However, having no fear was hard for most people. The ending of the game was very ironic too. To prevent the Illness of Fear from spreading, the city management ordered the slaughter of everyone in the infected areas. The survivors who weren’t infected had to fight with the city officials.

“If this game became a reality, the trouble would be huge.” If the illness spread as fast as the game described, then it would be faster than how horror stories would spread. Therefore, Gao Ming had to stop it at the source.

“I have to find that missing child.” Gao Ming was anxious, and with that, other emotions followed. His forehead started to sweat, his heart palpitated, and he wanted to pee. As a professional psychiatrist, he knew this was the typical symptom of Illness of Fear.

Gao Ming stood up and shouted, “Pay attention! Do not believe what you see, hear and touch! Do not let fear take over you!” He shouted, but there was no response. Gao Ming walked out to the living room. He was the only one there. “This is not good. I seem to have been struck already.”

Gao Ming was worried. Bai Qiao and the driver rated this anomaly as not dangerous because it had no actual ghost. They treated this as a training for newbies. Ten investigators entered the anomaly, but this anomaly couldn’t be solved with pure numbers. Isolation, fear and collapse. Even though the Illness of Fear had no ghost, many people chose suicide to escape from fear.

“I cannot sink into fear. I need to escape to help others.” Gao Ming focused. Fear was a normal emotion. This emotion could warn people of danger, but an overload of fear was a poisonous emotion. If he couldn’t find the source to stop the negative influence of fear, people would be dragged into a cycle of fear. Gao Ming cleared his mind. He’d rather not think than consider the worst possible outcome.

“Help! Help!” Suddenly, someone cried from the corr

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