Chapter 28: Don't be Scared
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 28: Don't be Scared

“Hide here?”

“Yes. Inside the closet. It’s very big here.” The boy pushed the clothes away to make space. His skin was red with a rash. “I will not harm you. Many people can hide here.”

Strange noises came from the back of the closet. It sounded like muffled pleas for help. Zhu Suisui was worried that once she opened the closet door, she would see her colleagues folded up like clothes.

“My parents are almost home. They have a bad temper. You better come in.” The boy said softly. He never dared to raise his voice. “If my parents found you, you would be chopped up.”

It was hard to imagine a boy would say something like that. Zhu Suisui tightened her grip on the axe. It was the only thing to bring her security.

“My parents are very violent. They will destroy everything. They wish to kill everything.” The boy gestured at Zhu Suisui. “They are 3 metres tall. My dad is very strong, and mom likes to use sharp objects. They hate each other, but their bodies are joined together.”

The picture of a monster appeared in Zhu Suisui’s mind. The brutal male over three metres and a female waving a sharp knife was twisted together as it hunted down her colleagues. Once that thought entered her mind, she heard heavy footsteps in the corridor.

“Shush! My parents are coming!” The boy covered his mouth. Zhu Suisui was so nervous that she didn’t dare to breathe too loudly. As the footsteps approached, so did the sound of argument.

“Bitch! I’m going to strangle you!”

“Am I wrong? You are useless. Thankfully, the son is not yours.”

“I’m going to kill you!”

The curses made Zhu Suisui uncomfortable. It was not hard to imagine how the kid would feel hearing all these.

The shoes stepped on the broken glass. The woman’s nails scratched the wall. All the sounds disappeared when they passed by Zhu Suisui’s room door. With a sweaty palm, she lifted her head.

The decorative window on the frame was squeezed open. Strands of hair fell into the room. Zhu Sui

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