Chapter 29: Base
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 29: Base

Fear was split into four stages, and one would see different things at different stages. Gao Ming was in the first stage, so the things he saw were not that different from real life. To rescue the others, Gao Ming embraced fear actively. He finally arrived deep in the shadows.

The mutated parents were twisted together to become a monster. Gao Ming had no idea if this was created by the kid in Room 405 or something made by the investigators. As the game designer, he was certain that this game had no actual ghost. The monster before him was manifested by fear.

Illness of Fear had a setting where a group sunk into fear, and the fear reached a consensus: the thing they feared would become true. To deal with such monsters, one needed absolute rationality and courage. The smallest crack of courage would be taken advantage of by the monsters. There was only one enemy, and that was the player himself. It was why Gao Ming used the most direct and brutal method to deal with the monster.

“Don’t be scared.” Gao Ming wished to cut off the cycle of fear in the other investigators so that they’d stop feeding the fear. However, that was easier said than done, so he used himself to make an example. The dangerous, aggressive and frightening parents were choked by Gao Ming. He ignored the woman’s blade and smashed the man. No one could shake him.

“For psychiatrists, fear is the most common emotion. It is also the emotion we need to handle the most. Only then can we glimpse into the darkness of human hearts.”

The chains made from Zhao Xi’s memory cut into the flesh. The man’s neck bent out of shape, but Gao Ming didn’t halt. His body appeared to be embedded into the monster’s flesh. The monster kept trying to yank him off.

“You blame your own mistakes on society and even turn your anger on your child. You do not deserve to be parents.” Gao Ming pulled until his arms burst with veins. “No one will be afraid of you when they see what you really are.”

Gao Ming said this for the monster and for Zhu Suisui. The fearful atmosphere wa

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