Chapter 26: Illness of Fear
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 26: Illness of Fear

The temperature in the building dropped. The newbies didn’t show any fear of facing the unknown danger. They followed the rules and set up the devices as soon as possible. The devices had their corresponding numbers. The centre was trying to use new methods to deal with various anomalies. The new devices were their weapons.

“Are these things useful?” Gao Ming asked.

“99 percent they are not, but even if there’s only a 1 percent hope, we’ll keep trying.” The driver gripped his fists. “Humans are humans because we can use tools.”

“The communication shut down when we opened the door to Room 405. The child and his parents once stayed here.” Bai Qiao switched on the flashlight and walked into the room. Bai Qiao had no effective weapon but still walked forward.

“Let me do it.” Gao Ming cut in. “You’re the core of the team. I’ll scout forward for us.”

The thin chains reacted. They were like moving tattoos as they appeared on Gao Ming’s wrist. He extended his left hand to push open the door.

A strange smell wafted out of the rented room. Five giant black plastic bags clogged the space beside the living room door. They contained some yellowed blankets and children's clothes.

“Be careful.” Bai Qiao raised the light to shine the way for Gao Ming.

There was a fight in the living room. The dining table was tipped over. The concrete floor had frozen rice clumps and broken plates.

“It was not a single-sided fight. Both parties have lost their rationality.” Gao Ming saw a piece of scalp stuck with short hairs. It should belong to a man. “Things were worse than I thought.”

Gao Ming used his finger to touch the mould on the wall. He looked around. Even though the doors and windows were closed, the room was very moist. Under the couch, behind the tv and inside the closet, moulds were growing.

“If this is my home, I’d be constantly angry too.” The driver split the newbies into three teams. One team followed Gao Ming into the room, one team stayed at the door, and the last was responsible for support.

“It’s normal not to fe

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