Chapter 25: Cry
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 25: Cry

“Gao Ming? Station Master Chen said you’d be here three days later. Why are you here now?” The only female investigator among the four shook hands with Gao Ming, “I’m the vice leader of Team One, Bai Qiao. The three of them are newbies. They haven’t experienced any anomalies before.”

“Are you bringing three newbies into the anomaly?” To Gao Ming, all anomalies were scary, and people had a hard time surviving.

“Based on the description of the survivors, there is not actual ghost in this incident, just some signs. The preliminary study deems this a Level One Anomaly. This is very friendly for newbies.” Bai Qiao touched her band and broadcasted a video, “Someone called the police yesterday because a child in Min Long Street’s Fourth Building’s Fourth floor kept crying. The police searched the entire floor but couldn’t find any child. Then, they found out from the elders here that a family of three once lived on the fourth floor. The father was heavily abusive, and the mother wasn’t a pushover either. About a few days ago, after another argument by the couple, they suddenly moved away, but the child didn’t seem to follow them.”

“Was the child killed?” Gao Ming thought of this possibility instantly.

“No idea. We tried to find the couple, but they had disappeared in the old city.” Bai Qiao switched off the video. “After the couple moved away, children crying could be heard on the fourth floor. It was very weak at first and would stop. But since yesterday night, the crying hadn’t stopped. We suspect this anomaly continues to worsen, and thus, we have to investigate it now.”

“Just crying? No one is hurt?” Gao Ming made many games that used crying. There was not enough info to identify the game.

“Temporarily, no one is hurt.” Bai Qiao glanced at her watch. “The other investigators are rushing here. We’ll enter the building when it’s almost dawn.”

The storm finally weakened, but the clouds covering the city were still there. There were around 40 minutes to dawn. A black van stopped at Min Long Street. The driver wore

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