Chapter 24: Fate
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 24: Fate

Some people said that people’s fate was decided the moment they were born. However, fate was not unchanging. There was only one certain future, and that was that the future was uncertain. Gao Ming reached into the black case and took out the bloody band.

He looked at the three men before him. “How to activate this?”

“Key in your info. After triple verification, you will become its only owner.” The tall man’s expression softened. “I’m glad that you’ve made this choice. My name is Chen Yuntian. Your home, Li Jing Apartments, is within my jurisdiction.”

With the investigator’s help, Gao Ming completed the verification. The moment he wore the band, he could examine everything inside it. Most of the info was collated by the centre. A small part was the experience of the band’s previous owners. The black band represented the highest tech of Xin Lu Intelligent City. It also inherited a person’s bravery and fearlessness.

“You don’t need to worry about your day job. If you don’t want to, you don’t need to quit. We won’t interfere.” Chen Yuntian closed the black case. “But there’s something we need to inform you.

“The old city has the largest population of the 19 districts in Han Hai. The people move around often. It is also where there’s the most anomaly occurrence. We’ve mobilised many people from Xin Lu, but that is barely enough for us to maintain the situation. We’ll provide you with the best benefits, but we hope that you won’t be resistant to some of our orders.” Chen Yuntian always had zero emotions. It was like he had lost human emotions.

“How many anomalies have you met at old city?” Gao Ming was curious.

“21 Level 0 anomalies, 17 Level 1 anomalies, 7 Level 2 anomalies and 2 Level 3 anomalies.”

“That many?” Gao Ming just came out of the tunnel a few days ago. He assumed there would only be a few anomalies.

“There’s no rhythm behind its appearance. They are not connected either. However, one thing’s certain. They appear more and more often.” Chen Yuntian shrugged. “I’ll give you three days to adjust your co

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