Chapter 23: Fate
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 23: Fate

Gao Ming put away the black-and-white picture of the first batch of workers of Unicorn Gaming Studio. He didn’t look different from before, but there was a special emotion deep inside his eyes.

“After the real tragedy explodes, things will only be worse.” Xuan Wen saw the shadow roll away. “I thought you’d be used to these from working at the prison.”

“We’re going back to the Nightlight Gaming Studio.” Gao Ming interrupted Xuan Wen. “The game only involves four floors. Since there are no humans left on the lower three floors, the killer should be hiding on the 13th floor. They might even be someone working at Nightlight.”

“Everyone has their own choice. If no one does anything, the ghost will kill, and more ghosts will be formed. In the end, everyone will die.” Xuan Wen shrugged. “The man made his choice, and he had the power to accomplish his goal.”

“The ghost didn’t do anything, but he killed seven people.”

“But he saved the rest.”

The lights in the corridor flickered. When they came back on, it meant that the game was officially over. This was Gao Ming’s third game and the one that impacted him the most. Gao Ming returned to Nightlight. Everyone was already back at work.

“Fetch!” Zhang Wang threw Gao Ming a can of energy drink. “I’m getting old. If this were a few years ago, I could work until morning!” No one paid attention to the message. They had no idea how close they were to death. They didn’t know death was among them. Gao Ming scanned everyone in the room. They acted like normal.

“Master Xia, did you go downstairs earlier?”

“I heard someone calling for help, so I went to look. However, the safety corridor was too dark, so I came back.” Xia Yang was painting the latest crime scene on the computer. His style was hard to understand. There was a chaotic beauty. “As you know, I’m easily scared.”

“What about the delivery man? Didn’t I tell you to keep an eye on him?” Gao Ming didn’t see the young man.

“Once the lights came on, he called the police and left. I suspect this whole thing is his prank.” X

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